



ダウン症は、私たちの体の形成と機能を決定する遺伝子の束である染色体を余分に持って生まれた人の状態です。 A baby is typically born with 46 chromosomes, but a baby with Down syndrome has an extra copy or part of a copy of one of those chromosomes, chromosome 21.

Down Syndrome by the Numbers
Americans living with DS

years old life expectancy

Americans born annually with DS

Down Syndrome Symptoms

The extra copy of chromosome 21 changes how a baby’s body and brain develop, which can cause mental and physical differences. The physical symptoms of Down syndrome vary from person to person, but they commonly include:

  • A flattened facial profile
  • Short neck, with excess skin at the back of the neck
  • Small head, ears, and mouth
  • Decreased muscle tone or loose joints

Down syndrome can also cause intellectual and developmental symptoms that lead to cognitive impairment, which means challenges with thinking and learning. Like the physical symptoms, they vary and can range from mild to moderate. Some common cognitive problems include:

  • Short attention span
  • Poor judgment
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Slow learning
  • Delayed language and speech development

To learn more about causes and symptoms, check out our full Down syndrome resource.

“Down syndrome does not define us as people. 学ぶことが難しくなる状態ですが、忍耐と粘り強さで、私たちは社会に貢献することができるのです。”

David Egan, Former Special Olympics Sargent Shriver International Global Messenger

Why We Celebrate Down Syndrome Month




彼らは車を運転し、仕事に行き、大学に行き、デートをし、結婚し、社会に貢献することができます。 ユニス・ケネディ・シュライバーが最初のスペシャルオリンピックを提案したとき、彼女はダウン症の人々について、彼らは「負の浮力」を持っていて水に沈むというような有害な神話を聞かされました。


Coach Anne McLindon, Chairperson for Special Olympics Open Water Swimming

