血栓の症状は、血栓の場所と重症度によって異なります。 症状を知っておき、すぐに見分けられるようにしておくことが大切です。 早期の診断と治療により、血栓による合併症や死亡を防ぐことができます。
- 痛み
- 腫れ
- 温かい感覚
- 圧痛
- 潮紅
米国では、毎年 20 万人以上の人が静脈血栓症を発症していることを示唆する調査結果があります。 このうち、およそ 5 万人が肺塞栓症を合併しています。
The symptoms of a blood clot in the lung can include:
- difficulty breathing
- a fast heartbeat or an irregular heartbeat
- chest pain or discomfort that usually gets worse with a deep breath or coughing
- coughing up blood
- very low blood pressure
- lightheadedness or fainting
Other serious symptoms can include:
- anxiety or a sense of dread
- collapsing
- sweating
Pulmonary embolism requires emergency medical attention.
Doctors can treat this condition using medications that dissolve blood clots, or thrombolytics. They may also prescribe medicines that prevent blood clotting, called anticoagulants.
If the clot is small, people can recover from pulmonary embolism with effective treatment. However, it can leave some lasting lung damage.
Large clots can prevent blood from reaching the lungs, which can be fatal.
Blood clots in the abdomen can cause the following symptoms:
- severe pain in the abdomen
- nausea
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- bloody stool
It can be difficult to diagnose a blood clot in the abdomen or pelvis. Doctors may use a CT scan or other imaging studies to look for blood clots in this area and to rule out other causes of these symptoms.
A blood clot in an artery around the heart can lead to a heart attack.
The symptoms of a heart attack include:
- chest discomfort — such as pressure, fullness, or pain — that occurs in the center of the chest and lasts for more than a few minutes
- pain or discomfort in other body parts, such as one or both arms, the back, jaw, stomach, or neck
- shortness of breath, with or without chest discomfort
- other signs, such as a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness
The symptoms can differ between males and females.
心臓発作は緊急医療です。何らかの症状に気づいたら、緊急治療を受けなければなりません。 これは、血栓が動脈を塞ぎ、脳の特定の部位に血液が流れなくなることで起こります。
- 顔、腕、脚、特に体の片側のしびれや脱力
- 混乱
- 話すことや理解することが困難
- 片目または両目の視覚障害
- 歩行困難
- めまいや調整能力の喪失
- 原因の分からない激しい頭痛
卒中は医学的緊急事態です。 何らかの症状に気づいたら、緊急に治療を受ける必要があります。