(Photo Credit: )
オレンジは楽観的な色です。 それは暖かさ、幸福、そして人生への熱意を放射します。
(Picture Credit: Toby Maudsley/Getty Images)
2007年にNational Laboratory of Cancer Researchのスティーブン・オブライエンが、家猫のゲノム解読の最初の一端を担ったことがあります。
(Picture Credit: oxygen/Getty Images)
オレンジ猫は必ずオスだという通念はどうでしょうか。 まあ、それは完全に正しいわけではありません。
その理由とは? オレンジ色の毛をコードする遺伝子はX染色体上にあります。 Since females have two X’s and males have one X and one Y, this means that a female orange cat must inherit two orange genes–one from each parent–whereas a male only needs one, which he gets from his mother.
This orange gene can appear in calico cats and tortoiseshells too.
In other words, male orange cats always come from mothers with an orange gene, but female orange cats also require a father with the same gene. That’s why orange cats are usually male.
Are you one of the lucky cat parents who has a rare female orange cat at home? Are you surprised that not all orange cats are male? Let us know in the comments below!