Freedrama free play scripts and monologues for stage and classroom

“Looks Get in the Way” A short romantic comedy for two actors. (1 male and 1 female)

“The Last Can” A short play about two people in love… at the end of the world… with only one can of food left. (for 1 male and 1 female)

“Polly Wants a Cracker” A short play for two actors (one man, one woman, optional non-speaking extras)

“Brother Makeover”non-romantic scene for two actors (male and female) from the play “A Little Private Education” (1 m 1 f)

“One Way or Another” A short play for two actors (one man,

“Bad Air” – ショート・コメディ – 2人の俳優(男性1人と女性1人)

“Lincoln Jefferson Jones “play script for two teen actresses from play “Flowers in the Desert” (2 f)

“Underdog (aka Fight Me)” -コメディ 2人の俳優(男性2人とノンビリした感じの人)のためのもの。

“A Sacrifice” – Short Drama- 2 actors (2 female)

“Chile Pepper Chicks” – Short Comedy – 2 actors (female)

“Nukes Make Me Puke” – Short Comedy – 2 actors (female)

“The Owl, The Bull and the Forest” 短い児童劇 – 2人の俳優(エキストラの可能性あり)

“Unicorns and Alley Cats” – 短い児童劇 – 2人の俳優 すべての年齢のための劇

“Pain Scale” – 短いコメディ – 面白い寸劇 – 2人の俳優 – (英語のみ)。 男性または女性 (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Gossip” – Short Comedy – 2-5 more actors A mature actors

“No Witnesses” – Short Drama – 2 actors (link goes to Freedrama blog

“Replenish the Earth” – Short Drama – (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Gossip” – Short Drama – (link to Freedom) – (link to Freedom) 2名 (link goes to Freedrama blog

“Deadly Fighting Princess” – Short Comedy – 2名 – 女性1名、男性または女性1名 (link goes to Freedrama blog

“Fight the Machine” – Short Romantic Comedy – 2名 – 女性1名、男性1名 (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Munch My Macho Taco”- Munch My Macho Taco! ショートコント – 2名 – 男女各1名 (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Theatre Bug” – ショートラブコメディ – 2名 – 女性1名 男性1名 (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“No Deliverance from Evil” – 悪を捨てよ。 舞台「Holy Ground」脚本よりショートドラマ – 2名 – 女性1名、男性1名 (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Wayfaring Stranger”- Short Drama Romantic scene from the stage play script “Holy Ground” – 2名 – 出演者。 女性1名、男性1名 (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Find Yourself a Nice Girl” – Short musical duologue for two actors – 1 teen male and 1 older female (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Screamy Youie Kicky Booty” – Short Comedy – (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Find Yourself a Nice Girl” – Short musical duologue – 1 teen male and 1 older male (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Stealing Moments” – 子連れ結婚をテーマにしたコメディ寸劇 – 2名 – 男性1名、女性1名 (link goes to Freedrama blog)

“Confession” – 近日上演のOn Holy Groundから2名が出演するドラマ(朗読劇)

“Falling Away From You” – 子連れ結婚のコメディ寸劇(朗読劇)

“Falling Away From You” – 子連れ結婚のコメディ。 男1女1)

“A Werewolf in my Bed” 2人の俳優のための短いコメディ劇(1男1女)

“Shakespeare and Love” 2人の俳優のための短い劇(男1。

“Kate and Rick” – 公開脚本による二人芝居- 男性と女性

“Midnight of the Soul” Scene A – Short Drama- 2 actors (1 male, 1 female)

“Midnight of the Soul” Scene B – Short Drama- 2 actors (2 female)

“Late” 男性(18才以上)2名による短い芝居です。 2m

“To Be Immortal” – Short Drama – 2人の俳優による短編劇。 2m



6人の俳優(リンク先はFreedrama blog

最も人気のある作品 * 短編 * 一幕物 * 長編 * 子供と十代 * 少人数キャスト

[email protected] 上演の許可を得てください。ありがとうございました。そして、劇を楽しんでください!


